Another daughter models full-time, and a third works for Swatch, the trendy Swiss watchmaker. 另一个女儿是专职模特,而三女儿在时尚的瑞士钟表集团Swatch工作。
In the respect of academic interpretation and judicial practice, the third party essentially has the performing claim to debtor according to contract law. 从学理解释和司法实践的角度来看,《合同法》实际上给予了第三人向债务人的履行请求权。
"Modern picture book" as an emerging form of books, the academic establishment and interpretation of the name because of subject matter, content, expressions, means of communication, audience, etc. “现代绘本”作为一种新兴的图书形式,其学术名称的确立与释义因题材、内容、表现形式、传播方式和受众群体等方面的独特性而极具争议性。
On the Academic Autonomy and Its Limits Interpretation of Brubacher's Philosophy of Higher Education 论学术自治及其限度&布鲁贝克《高等教育哲学》解读
The second part studies Marxism-creation of a new concept of development, academic Marxism of the new concept of development path and its interpretation of the main theoretical difficulties. 第二部分,考察了马克思新发展观自创立以来,学术界对马克思新发展观的主要解读路径及其理论困境。
The questions of topic-selecting, annotation, research method, social significance of the academic research of jurisprudence are expounded on the basis of interpretation of On the Freedom of Expression. 通过《论表达自由》一书的解读,阐述法学学术研究的选题、注释、研究方法及社会意义等问题。
The academic contributions of scholars involved in this field today are mainly in their creative interpretation of traditional Chinese culture. But at a time when instrument rationality is increasingly expanding its descriptive territory, poetics has become a fable of realistic criticism. 目前从事这项研究的学人,其学术贡献主要表现在对中国传统文化的创造性阐释,但在工具理性日益扩张其描述疆域的当代,诗性则成为一个关于现实批判的寓言。
It holds that such academic ideas as comprehensive view of phenomena, new interpretation of ancient works, in-depth perception and creative activation provide much enlightenment for the study of ancient literary theory. 认为三卷本《体系》中现象通观、原典新释、深度直觉、创造激活的学术理念对当代古文论研究与体系探索很有开示意义。
Proceeding with the relationship of internal works and the world, the writers and the read-ers, this paper mainly re-examines literature interpretation and passes academic judgement on the subjective school and objective school of literature interpretation. 本文从文学作品的内部结构关系,文学作品与世界、作者、读者的关系等四个方面入手,重审文学解释,并予文学解释的客观派和主观派以学理上的评判。
A Study on Quality Assessment for Academic Interpretation 学术口译质量评估研究
The author also gives some academic opinions about the main contents of the future juridical interpretation. 作者提出在公司法确立这一制度前,可先行由最高法院制定出司法解释以指导审判实践,并对该拟制定的司法解释的具体内容提出了学术意见。
The first part mainly analyzes and defines the concept, classification and features of academic interpretation, thus laying a solid foundation for the following discussion. 其中第一部分主要是分析并界定了刑法学理解释的概念、分类与特征,为后文分析其它问题提供了一个坚实的基垫。
We should renew our ideas on the certainty of judiciary interpretation, strengthen the control systems and guarantee system under the guidance of procedure, and further intensify the communication between the academic community and the practical group, improve the overall level of legal interpretation. 我国应当以新程序主义法官解释确定观为理论指导,强化法官解释的制约机制和保障机制,同时增强学界与实务界关于解释方法的对话交流,提高法律解释的整体水平。
Based on these two articles, and combined with the judicial interpretation of DSB and related domestic legislations, this paper offers detailed academic interpretation and merit review over the rules 'content and practices of application prerequisites. 本文以该两条法律条文为基础,结合WTO争端解决机构的司法解释和有关国内立法,对实施条件的规范意义和实际运用进行详尽的学理阐释和价值评判。
The Criminal Law interpretation is divided into legislative interpretation, judicial interpretation and academic interpretation according to the mainstream views and the standard of different body of interpretation in Criminal Law interpretation system. 在刑法解释体系中,按照目前学界的主流观点,以解释主体的不同为标准,可以将刑法解释分为立法解释、司法解释与学理解释。
In Chapter Four, the author primarily makes a discussion on the possible academic value of judicial rules, mainly taking the aim and sorting order of legal interpretation as an example, which has long been argued in academic field. 本文第四章主要以学界争论已久的法律解释目标问题和法律解释方法排序问题为例,对裁判规则研究所可能具有的学术价值进行了初步探讨。
Civil law countries have a tradition of valuing the academic interpretation. Although they are written law countries, but judges have great discretion. 大陆法系国家历来有重视学理解释的传统,虽实行成文法主义,但法官在适用法律中拥有很大的自由裁量权。
In the past century, owing to the studies of more than one academic subject, which was carried by scholars in different fields, interpretation achieved a great progress. 在过去的一个世纪内,在不同领域的学者对口译进行了多角度,跨学科的研究,使口译得到了长足的发展。
The first chapter is "Academic Interpretation of livelihood politics". 第一章《民生政治的学理解读》。
Firstly, it reviews the academic studies of press conference interpretation. Meanwhile, the author finds few literature talks about conference interpretation from the perspective of cultural presupposition. 本文首先回顾了已有的记者招待会口译的研究成果,同时,作者发现少有专著从文化预设角度对会议口译进行研究。
The second part analyzes and sorts out the scholars 'argument and disputes about the interpretation objective, principles and methods of the academic interpretation of criminal law and establishes a theoretical framework of the ontology of criminal law interpretation together with the first part. 第二部分主要是分析与梳理了学界对于刑法学理解释的解释对象、解释原则与解释目标三大基本问题的争论与分歧,与第一部分一同构建了一个刑法解释本体论的理论框架。
However, the process and ways to deal with conference interpreting are not well-understood. And there are few systematic studies on the academic research all-round interpretation. 然而,人们对于口译的运作过程和处理方式的了解却很少,甚至还存在认识误区,学术方面关于口译的全方位系统化的研究也甚少。
According to some materials, there are few academic books studying interpretation from an interdisciplinary angle, and fewer from the angles of pragmatic failure and cross-cultural communication. 只有少数的学术作品是从跨学科的角度去研究口译,而从跨文化和语用失误的角度来探讨口译的就更少了。
Now the academic circles on the insurance contract interpretation, either for the unfavorable explanation rule, either to apply the doctrine of reasonable expectation. 现在学术界对保险合同条款进行解释时,要么适用不利解释原则,要么适用合理期待原则。
Only with abundant translation theories and improved academic research can we pave way for better interpretation. 只有不断完善翻译理论和学术研究,才能为口译工作提供良好的土壤和发展空间。
Currently, the academic outsourcing of carbon emissions does not have a uniform interpretation. 目前,学术界对碳减排服务外包还没有一个统一的解释。
Because there are different theoretical basis, law circles of our country, academic circles on the retroactivity of criminal judicial interpretation there is a lot of controversy. 由于有不同的的理论依据,我国法学界、学术界对刑事司法解释的溯及力有诸多争议。
In the introduction, it briefly sets off the current marginal status of academic interpretation as well as its importance and necessity, thus illuminating the background for the following detailed discussion. 其中引言部分简要介绍了刑法学理解释的边缘性地位和其自身的重要性与必要性,为正文详细论述做好背景铺垫。